American Legion speech contest can help pay for college

College. Money. Two words that go hand-in-hand. It takes a lot of money to pay for a college education. For high school students, there is a way to actually talk your way into college: the American Legion’s Oratorical Scholarship Contest.

Parents, do you have a high school student who is good at giving speeches, conducting debates, or discussing politics? This is an opportunity to cash in on those skills.

Each year the American Legion High School Oratorical Scholarship Program awards more than $203,500 in college scholarships.  Open to 9th through 12th grade students, public school or homeschool. Contact Barb Labate of the American Legion Post 11 at 515-386-5547 for details. “Find out today how you can help pay for college,” Labate said.

Deadline for applications is Nov. 1.

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